Find rental cars of all categories and the main models in a single search.
Whether you need a small rental car to get around town, an SUV to drive safely or a seven-seater car for the whole family; at QuarentaCars we help you find the vehicle that better suits your needs.
The fleet of vehicles available at our car rental affiliates comply with strict cleaning and disinfection protocols to guarantee fully sanitised cars.
Drive through the roads of Spain in cars in excellent condition, new and semi-new; from the main European, Korean and Japanese brands.
For more information about the sanitisation process and the disinfection protocols that our suppliers are applying to the rental vehicle fleets, we recommend you visit the following article in our blog: Cleaning Protocols for Rental Cars
Most rental cars are adopting extraordinary measures to ensure that the vehicles are delivered in compliance with all safety and hygiene regulations.
“A journey of a thounsand miles begins here.”